Thursday, September 8, 2022


Verses 9:4                                                                                                                                   
O Lord the great awesome God,                                                                                                                
who keeps his covenant of love                                                                                     
with all who love him and obey his command.                                                                                                                                                                                      

Infinite God :God knows no restriction of space, ability or power. He    
is everywhere, omni-presence, no edges or limits to His presence. Neither is there any place where God is not supreme for He created everything and put them at the right place, like the oceans , the trees, lakes, the sun and the moon. And He govern them all....God is a creator of the universe...and God is all knowing !                                                           
                                                                PRAYER REVERENCE
 Enable me, oh Lord, to collect and compose my thoughts before an immediate approach to thee in prayer. May I be careful have my mind in order when I take upon myself the honor to speak to the sovereign  Lord of  the universe, remembering that upon the temper of my soul depends in very great measure of my success. Your Infinity is too great to be trifled with, too wise to be imposed on by a mock devotion and dost abhor a sacrifice without a heart. Help me to entertain an habitual sense of thy perfections as an admirable help against  cold and formal performances. save me from engaging in a rush and precipitate prayers  and from abrupt breaking away to follow business or pleasure, as though I had never prayed.
                                                                                                                               Susanna  Wesley.
Devotion:  Read Daniel Chapter 9.




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