Sunday, December 26, 2021

Scoop Of Grace: A Reason to Celebrate

Scoop Of Grace: A Reason to Celebrate:                                               Merry Christmas Holidays hold different meanings for different people and celebrate for differ...

A Reason to Celebrate

Merry Christmas
Holidays hold different meanings for different people and celebrate for different  occasions and purposes, but one thing for sure, we all like to have reason to celebrate. As I stood on the lakeside of Bay park summer holiday, people are walking, swimming, boating and some are just sitting on the bench
eating ice cream together.( social distancing is noticeable). It is  the  sight of importance and a value of celebrating events together. Or should I call it  THE CELEBRATION OF TOGETHERNESS. 
    Hebrew 10 : 24-25 said- Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching. An exhortation for all of us to meet regularly, encourage one another continuously  and to celebrate the goodness of the Lord together.
   One of my favorites  event and celebration of the year is Christmas! Of course what can be more exciting  than celebrating  the birth of Jesus our savior.  Luke 2:14 - Glory to God in the highest.                                  
The Promised Messiah, John 14:6 -Jesus said I am the way the truth, and the life, no one come to the Father but through me. John 3:16- the Giver of Life.  The Sustainer and provider of all our needs - Philippians 4:19 - And God will supply all your need according to his riches in glory in christ Jesus.
      This year just immediate family and couple of friends for us, you know, we know, I know,😀😀 since the beginning pandemic COVID-19, people still and have been taking pre cautions for their health and safety  before hanging out with crowd. Wearing mask ,constant washing hands just to name a few and watch for Covid symptom. Be encourage ! We will always encounter something un expected throughout the course of our life, but don't let that circumstances steal your joy.
       Philippians 4:6-7 -Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God  and the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.                               
      Our problems can't never exhaust God provision.....God doesn't give us answers to all the whys of His ways, He has revealed though how we today can know Him personally by trusting Jesus as our Savior and             how we can live wisely by entrusting our future to Him as our Lord.                                                                

Psalm 126:23- The Lord has done  
great things for us. We are glad.
                                                                                                                                                                                            John 3:16 -For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting Life.
We can trust our All-knowing God for the unknown future.                                                                             


Friday, November 26, 2021

Scoop Of Grace: Finding rest in an exhausting time.

Scoop Of Grace: Finding rest in an exhausting time.:           Are you exhausted  and tired today? Or are you nervous  and need something to slow you down? Need a break from hectic, demanding b...

Scoop Of Grace: The Glorious Mystery

Scoop Of Grace: The Glorious Mystery: I was reading my Women devotional Bible this morning, I have a habit of noting what I read and dated it.I love and so encouraged by wh...

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Scoop Of Grace: The Glorious Mystery

Scoop Of Grace: The Glorious Mystery: I was reading my Women devotional Bible this morning, I have a habit of noting what I read and dated it.I love and so encouraged by wh...

The Glorious Mystery

I was reading my Women devotional Bible this morning, I have a habit of noting what I read and dated it.I love and so encouraged by what Claire Loninger shared! Hope this encourage you too.
GOD WITHIN US.. Jesus desire to be closer to us than a brother or a friend. He is not only the God who above us and the God who has come among us, He is also the God who desres to dwell within us.This is the fact that apostle Paul discribed in (Collosians 1:27)' the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of the glory'.The Wonder he discribes in (Galatians 2:20)Whe He says "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me". This is the Mystery we were made to contain:The very life of Jesus. He means to live out the reality of who he is right here within the reality of who we are. He means to be in our lives- the breath in our lungs,the thoughts in our heads the energy and creativity in our jobs, and the love in our hearts.💕 He means to take on the stress and unravel the inner complications so that we can move through our lives just as He did,in gentleness, simplicity and Harmony. We were never intended to be more than just containers, but Temples to contain His Glory(1Corithians 3:16-17) Branches to contain the sap of His life (John15:1-8) Vessels to contain the new wine of His Spirit (Rom. 9:20-22) We are the glove, He is the Hands,we are the lamp he is the light. This is what we are made for. This is the intended purpose of the human person and personality, not to be gods, but to contain God.This is the kind of unity that was present in the garden but that is sadly missing in this world. It is the sheer simplicity of God's design that shattered by humanity's sin. And it is the reason that Jesus came,cared, was tortured, killed and laid in a tomb and raised to life that he could give us another shot at being what we were intended to be. RESCUED,REDEEMED, FORGIVEN... Collosians 1:24-29 GOSPEL BRINGS HOPE.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Scoop Of Grace: Mother is A unique gift from God

Scoop Of Grace: Mother is A unique gift from God: Happy Mother's Day !                     How do you describe your  Mom in one word ?                                                    ...